for Business Leaders
Photography for Business
Photography for Business
photography business leaders photo safari

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Innovative Leadership One-Day Acceleration Sessions

Innovative leadership is agile, lean, inspirational, focused, strategic and social. An innovative leader’s skills are synonymous with these attributes, achieving innovative game changing results.
One-day leadership “acceleration sessions” bring an outside innovation mentor face to face with management teams to bust mindsets and to jump-start innovative leadership. The sessions speed up innovation within leaders and management teams like a Silicon Valley incubator, by confronting them with an outside-in perspective type of reality-check, known from advisory boards.
Insular thinking is busted not only by bringing in an outside innovation mentor, but also by the outside mentor using photography as a tool. Acceleration is at least doubled by utilizing photography for the outside-in perspective reality-check. Photography allows deep dives into specific problems in a speedy way and delivers strategic and practical insights for the change in leadership and to solve specific problems. Breakthroughs are created in these one-day sessions, that otherwise would need months to be achieved through traditional training and coaching.
The one-day leadership “acceleration sessions” induce, stimulate and accelerate innovative entrepreneurial thinking, disrupt mindsets and grow business through innovative leadership.

Innovative Accelerated Assessments

Innovation demands in business require innovation in human resources through innovative tools and methods. The innovation tool of now and the future is photography. Visual content is the tool of communication, visualizations are innovation tools and virtual teams are every day business reality.

That requires innovative assessments as well and photography is the answer. Assessments with photography accelerate the process of decision making and deliver immensely useful insights on the assessed candidates no traditional method can provide. The assessments with photography are highly efficient and allow access to the information underneath the surface. Creativity and potentials will be unearthed and available for use.
Business Coaching for Innovative Leaders

Photography allows easy and instant access to self-understanding and is a gentle, playful and stimulating coaching tool. A cell phone camera is enough to immerse yourself in the beneficial process of self-understanding and professional growth.

“A picture says more than a thousand words”, its just a question of utilizing the information it is carrying to accelerate and increase your professional growth within a short period of time. With the era of digital photography this incredible tool is accessible to anyone and allows an easy use of this powerful instrument in coaching.
Roho Ya Chui "soul of leopard"
company registration numbers in
the Netherlands and South Africa
KvK Utrecht 302354010000
PTY Ltd. Johannesburg 2009/020684/07

Phone: +27-76-5085850
Fax: +27-86-5461154
Skype: utesonnenberg
Dorpsstraat 90
3732 HK De Bilt, Netherlands

Postnet Suite 502, Private Bag X1, 2076
Melrose Arch, Johannesburg, South Africa