Imagine you are on safari and photographing the leopard with Instagram, sharing it immediately on Facebook and Twitter with a nice retro filter. Great? I think so. The phone is not fast and suitable enough to manage wildlife photography in general, but when they sit still and you are anyway waiting at the sighting that they do something, this is just great. All these incredible apps are so much fun, making it easy to snap away and add some artistic touch to it … and maybe sometimes covering that the photo wasn’t that good and the object neither … while sharing it with your social network. This makes learning the artistic side of photography an exciting experience and lots of fun and we usually learn easier when it is fun. For those who want to practice the usual camera settings there is 645 Pro for iPhoone, that lets you set exposure, ISO and all other features of your usual camera. Well that becomes technical again and is not an easy snap away app, but can be nice to carry on practicing the technical side of photography as well.