02/10/12 16:54 Filed in:
Photo Tips | Photography & Art
All big camera brands announced their new models at the Photokina and now the first reviews are available.
The most interesting reviews might be the ones on the full-frame entry level Nikon D600 and Canon D6, just good to have them to compare the two “similar” new camera models of the two big brands. Check out PetaPixel’s Hands on with the Nikon D600 and Hands on with the Canon 6D.
Of a different league is the Leica M. Also here a Hands on with the Leica M by PetaPixel to get to know her better before making a decision to buy one.
Also available so far the PetaPixel hands on review of the Fujifilm X-E1, the Fujifilm XF1 and the Samsung Galaxy Camera.
Surely there will be more reviews coming during the following weeks and if you think about getting one of the new camera models, try to test them at your camera store before buying one. The camera needs to suit you and no review can tell how the camera will feel for you. Only you know, if a camera works for you and what you want to do in photography.
The new camera models are definitely an inspiration and make one wondering how cameras will be in the future. Until future arrives lets enjoy what the present offers.
Happy testing!
Ute Sonnenberg for www.rohoyachui.comTags: photo equipment, photo tips, photography, photokina, cameras, nikon, canon, leica, samsung, fujifilm
24/09/12 11:06 Filed in:
Photo Tips | Photography & Art
It is over for this year. The Photokina has closed her doors and photography lovers are still breathless from al the camera news that came over them, maybe secretly thinking already of buying one of the new models.
Probably the most bespoke new cameras are the Nikon D600 and the Canon 6D. Both are entry level DSLRs with a full-frame sensor and it makes complete sense to give them almost the same name. If you doubt which one to prefer, have a look at the sensor test from DxOMark and you will see that the result is not surprising.
While the Nikon D600 and the Canon 6D still have a reasonable price, other brands like Leica and Hasselblad introduced more pricy new camera models. They are the Leica M and the Hasselblad Lunar. Well they are great cameras, with an even great price.
For a nice overview and to compare the new camera models from the Photokina, have a look at the WEX page. More detailed tests will only be executed now, so more information on the new cameras will be available soon.
Fortunately Christmas is coming soon and Father Christmas might make one or the other camera dream come true.
Happy snapping!
Ute Sonnenberg for www.rohoyachui.com
Tags: photo equipment, photo tips, photography, photokina
19/09/12 09:25 Filed in:
Photo Safari | Photo Tips
The Photokina has started and millions of people all over the world are waiting for the technical photography news to flood into their inboxes. Will Canon come with this 46 Megapixel camera? How will be that Nikon D600 entry-level full-frame camera? There will be new “Porsche” and “Mercedes” and “city cars” for the photographer to play with. But will they be of any meaning for the success of a photo safari?
Technical photography gear is important for photo safaris. You will need a camera with a reasonable speed in order to photograph the fast moving objects and you will need a good zoom lens to get them in the picture, recognizable as a lion and not only as an undefined dot. But do you need 36 megapixels? Most likely not. As fantastic as the Nikon D800 is, it is not the most suitable camera for a photo safari. Shooting these big files costs speed and memory card space and if you have a proper zoom lens, you don’t need to crop afterwards.
Do you need all the accessories, tripods, gadgets, bags and straps? Keep it simple. Don’t get lost in technology. On a photo safari you are in the most beautiful and demanding environment for photography and not in a studio. You got to connect with this environment, understand it and translate it into photographs. Too much technical gear will only be a burden. Keep that in mind when packing and for the rest enjoy the inspiring news from the Photokina.
Ute Sonnenberg for www.rohoyachui.com
Tags: photokina, photo safari, photography
It seems like the megapixel monster was unleashed and Nikon and Canon are chasing Hasselblad. For a long time Hasselblad was the one with the monstrous amount of megapixel cameras, but recently Nikon caught up with them with their D800 and will Canon eventually race past both?
There are rumors that Canon will launch a DSLR with 46 megapixel at the Photokina in Cologne in September. But will it or will it rather stick to 22 megapixel? One needs the right lenses in order to get the best out of such a megapixel monster. Users of Nikon’s D800 are already carful with yielding this amazing camera.
We will know soon. Do we need such a thing?
Ute Sonnenberg for www.rohoyachui.com
Tags: photo equipment, photo tips, photography, photokina, canon