13/07/13 14:31 Filed in:
Photographic Safari
Guests often ask when is the best time to go on photographic safari in South Africa, wildlife photography course in Kenya or team building photographic safari in Botswana. The answer is it depends on what you want to do and see.
If you want to see the Great Migration in the Masai Mara you need to go between the middle of July and the beginning of September. For the rest the Masai Mara offers throughout the year great wildlife sightings, only the vegetation will look different when going just after the rainy periods or just before. It will either be nice green or pretty dry, but both are very interesting for photography.
If you want to go to the Okavango Delta and to do water activities, you need to go during the time that there is enough water to do so. But also here the Okavango Delta is beautiful throughout the year.
If you think about going to South Africa you should know that the sightings in winter are often easier, because the grass is low and the animals gather around waterholes. In summer the bush is nice green and it is warm. It all depends on what is important for you and when you have the time to go.
In other words, always talk to the people you are booking your trip with to find out what the best would be for your interests and you will have a great photographic safari.
However, the bush is always amazing. You can let the bush surprise you with the beauty it offers at the time of your visit and you will go home with incredible photpographs.
Happy travelling and snapping!
Ute Sonnenberg for www.rohoyachui.com
Tags: photographic safari
11/07/13 14:30 Filed in:
Photographic Safari Tips
Every time you go out to photograph, you need to tune in to the place where you are in order to get the best results with your photography. That applies to the simple walk in the park next to your house, the place of a friend, the holiday in France, the photographic safari in Kenya and South Africa, the wildlife photography courses in Botswana, the teambuilding photographic safaris in Tanzania, the visit to the museum, the birthday party of your niece and so on.
The point is that only when you realize where you are, in other words when you are conscious where you are, you will be able to get the light right for your camera settings, you will see the beauty of the place and you will be able to capture its essence. If for some reason this is not the case, maybe because of a distraction or a jet lack or something other of this kind you will see it in your images. There will be some kind of “noise”, appearing e.g. as the image being too bright or too dark or the composition being hideous. When you notice that, take a step back, slow down and start feeling where you are. Then take your camera and start again. The images will show the difference.
Ready to go? Enjoy your photography!
Happy snapping!
Ute Sonnenberg for www.rohoyachui.com
Tags: photographic safari
For those who want to give their photographic safari in South Africa or the wildlife photography courses in Kenya or even the team building photographic safaris to Namibia an extra dimension can turn it into an edVenture Retreat. The word edVenture stands for “educational adventure” and deepens the experience by choosing very special locations for the events with additional meditations and exercises.
The purpose is to recalibrate and reconnect in order to achieve better results and to benefit even more from the photographic experience in the bush.
EdVenture Retreats are a comfortable experience in enchanting environments and make the attendees connect with their creative strength in a deep and long lasting way.
Ever thought of utilizing meditation or energy work to enhance your photography? You might not be conscious that you do it already. Yoga for example is a strong tool.
Happy learning and snapping!
Ute Sonnenberg for www.rohoyachui.com
Tags: photographic safari
08/07/13 11:20 Filed in:
Photo Tips07/07/13 16:11 Filed in:
Photographic Safari
Tsavo East is a huge national park in Kenya with a large elephant population. It is a popular destination for photographic safaris, wildlife photography courses and team building photographic safaris.
It is a special place with sometimes drama and sometimes joy.
View the ephoto book here.
Ute Sonnenberg for www.rohoyachui.com
Tags: wildlife photography