I’m not a friend of Photoshop for wildlife photography, but there are exceptions and here is one.
What happens when domestic cats go on photo safaris and do all the big cat things? Then they are part of a Whiskas advertising campaign and a teamwork result of photographer George Logan and retoucher Tony Swinney.
They are done with so nice humor, yet showing that your domestic cat looks and behaves very much like a big cat, although she or he is rather small. Actually the African wild cat has about the size of a domestic cat and does live in the bush.
Well, if you are short of wildlife for your photography course, remember your cat and you have the subject you were looking for. Now only some photoshopping and you can even create the impression that you were traveling with your cat to the bush.
Enjoy these great and funny images!
See more images on the PetaPixel post.
Ute Sonnenberg for www.rohoyachui.com
Tags: cats on safari, photo safari, photography
11/04/13 09:15 Filed in:
Last week Nelson Mandela was discharged from hospital and relieve seemed to go around the world that he had recovered from pneumonia. Mandela is one of the most inspiring leaders, still at the age of 94 being an example of greatness.
There are not many people as exceptional as he is, yet there are many people with great potential to become and be intuitive and inspiring leaders and there are many people who are already innovative, inspiring and intuitive in their daily life. What do all these people have in common?
They have a vision, they see and they have aspirations. These leaders go unusual ways, they are open to new ideas, they give their teams the freedom to make mistakes and they are learning every day.
When one stops learning, one comes to stand still and stand still means going backwards. But those who want to learn and go forward are the ones that inspire. And this does not only apply to political and business leaders, learning is essential also in photography and not only during photography courses or during the ones booked photo safari. Learning in photography happens every day with seeing what’s around you and capturing moments.
Inspire and be inspired.
Ute Sonnenberg for www.rohoyachui.com
Tags: b2b, team building, leader
10/04/13 12:05 Filed in:
Photography & Art
Clark Little is a photographer shooting shore breaks on the North shore of Oahu, Hawaii. When I read the PetaPixel interview with him, I didn’t only like the images a lot, I also liked what he said about risks and precaution.
In essence he is saying that his experience of 30 years in surfing is his guard and the knowledge of the risk involved keeps him focused. This applies not only to photographing the big waves of Hawaii, but also all other photographic opportunities from travel photography to photographic safaris and “just” photographing at home. Do not forget where you are and what the risks might be. At home it might be the edge of the veranda you can fall off and in the bush the pride of lion in the open plains.
However, Clark Little never attended a photography course, yet his photography is what he does for a living and he is very successful and very grounded. The passion for what you do is the key.
Read the full interview here.
Enjoy where your passion takes you.
Ute Sonnenberg for www.rohoyachui.com
Tags: photography, hawaii, surf photography, clark little
09/04/13 08:31 Filed in:
Photography & Art
You might know the fairy tale Star Talers by the Brothers Grim. In all illustrations (at least the ones I know) one sees a girl standing, looking up to the sky, her hands holding her skirt up, collecting the star talers that fall from the sky. The air is full of sparkles and it looks quite magical.
Now there can be star talers sparkling the air even in Chicago. Photography enthusiast Satoki Nagata photographed at night, using an off camera flash that turned the falling rain and snow into stars falling from the sky.
Try it for yourself, go on night photo safari in your hometown or suggest it in your photography course class, or create a team building experience and see what stars you can illuminate. The light needs to fall in a certain angle on the rain or snow. So don’t give up when the first photo is not a success. Just keep going and it will turn out well.
Happy snapping!
Ute Sonnenberg for www.rohoyachui.com
Tags: photography, star taler, faury tale, art, street photography
08/04/13 12:03 Filed in:
Photography & Art
In case the name Bert Stern doesn’t immediately ring a bell, he is the photographer who took the amazing images of Marilyn Monroe shortly before her death. His creative nature revolutionized advertising photographs in the early 60ies and his photographic work seems always to reflect the essence of the subject.
His photographic safaris could happen for example on 5th Avenue in New York, walking with a Martini glass filled with water, waiting for ideas for an advert. He exposed himself to the inspiration that is surrounding us and waited that it made itself known to him. It is an amazing way to work and it results in intimate and mesmerizing images.
When you would like to experience a photography course lead by him, just visit the current exhibition at the Stanley-Wise Gallery in New York and watch the just released documentary on Bert Stern Original Mad Man. Read more about Bert Stern and the movie in TIME Lightbox.
Be inspired!
Ute Sonnenberg for www.rohoyachui.com
Tags: bert stern, photography, fashion, art, marilyn monroe
07/04/13 18:21 Filed in:
Photography & Art
Meru National Park is a beautiful photo safari destination in northern Kenya. Its breathtaking landscapes and beautiful animals provide ideal conditions for wildlife photography courses. The light is magnificent and the outlooks over the park are stunning.
Meru got also the rare Grevy’s zebras and the gerenuks, also called “giraffe antelope”. It is a place to go to enjoy nature and photography and to be with beauty at ease.
Enjoy the ephoto book “Beauty at ease”.
Ute Sonnenberg for www.rohoyachui.com
Tags: photo safari, photography, art