17/03/13 12:23 Filed in:
Photography & Art
“Middle-Earth is a far away place where elves look after those who embark on journeys and where nature caresses the courageous.”
The images were taken during a series of photography courses in New Zealand, which might have felt like an unexpected journey with hobbits about to emerge any minute.
Travel to Middle-Earth and embark on a journey. View the book here.
Ute Sonnenberg for www.rohoyachui.com
Tags: middle-earth, new zealand, hobbit
04/01/13 12:23 Filed in:
Photography & Art
You might plan to watch the new larger than life epic movie The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey or you have seen it already, just like many of us saw The Lord of the Rings and often more than once. What draws us to these kind of movies?
These movies are about a life’s quest, about someone who embarks on a journey, often not consciously, but ending up perseverant following the quest. Maybe we all would like to embark on such a journey as in the movies, but are we not doing that already? Well the wizard’s name is most likely not Gangalf, but maybe George, your neighbor, and you are most likely not called Bilbo, but isn’t Frank an even better name? You didn’t notice that you were on a journey?
Ask your camera about that. Go out (or just stay at home) and shoot away, with all your questions in mind, just shoot. And then look at the images. What do you see? Whom do you inspire with your work and care? How does your photography make people happy? Where is your photography going?
If photography is your life’s quest, photography itself will guide you and it will also reveal, if your quest is a different meaningful purpose. The images tell.
Ute Sonnenberg for www.rohoyachui.com
Tags: life's quest, life, hobbit, photography