05/02/13 08:26 Filed in:
Photography & Art
Annie Leibovitz’s recent fashion photo shoot for Vogue stirred anger and irritation among the Vogue readers. The photo shoot shows models posing with rescue workers of super storm Sandy. Vogue’s intention was to put a spotlight on these important people who did great work during the disaster Sandy brought onto the Eastern coast, but it might be tempting to see a clever newsjacking by Vogue to put a spotlight on the magazine. Was it?
Maybe it was, nonetheless it brought people into the picture who deserve acknowledgement for their great work and having a famous photographer like Annie Leibovitz doing the shoot, adds even art to it.
So, maybe it is a nice idea to integrate photographing people who do great work for the community into our everyday snapping or into photography courses we attend.
Lets take the positive from this fashion photo shoot and let it go viral to honor caring people.
Ute Sonnenberg for www.rohoyachui.com
Tags: annie leibovitz, vogue, photography
07/01/13 17:16 Filed in:
Photography & Art
In 2007 Annie Leibovitz had to put up her entire work and future work as collateral for a $24 million loan and now she put her NYC compound of three townhouses on the market for $33 million.
Lets see it as a smart move to get the rights of her work back. She is one of the most sought after commercial photographers and did only last year the great photo shoot with the American Olympic team for Vogue.
There can be ups and downs for photographers, but it might be a consolation that a photographer can even reach those heights as getting a $24 million loan for ones work.
Keep shooting!
Ute Sonnenberg for www.rohoyachui.com
Tags: annie leibovitz, photography, new york, photographers, vogue