Review Time: Photokina's New Cameras

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All big camera brands announced their new models at the Photokina and now the first reviews are available.

The most interesting reviews might be the ones on the full-frame entry level Nikon D600 and Canon D6, just good to have them to compare the two “similar” new camera models of the two big brands. Check out PetaPixel’s Hands on with the
Nikon D600 and Hands on with the Canon 6D.

Of a different league is the Leica M. Also here a
Hands on with the Leica M by PetaPixel to get to know her better before making a decision to buy one.

Also available so far the PetaPixel hands on review of the
Fujifilm X-E1, the Fujifilm XF1 and the Samsung Galaxy Camera.

Surely there will be more reviews coming during the following weeks and if you think about getting one of the new camera models, try to test them at your camera store before buying one. The camera needs to suit you and no review can tell how the camera will feel for you. Only you know, if a camera works for you and what you want to do in photography.
The new camera models are definitely an inspiration and make one wondering how
cameras will be in the future. Until future arrives lets enjoy what the present offers.

Happy testing!

Ute Sonnenberg for