How can I do my African safari bookings?
19/10/13 15:08 Filed in:
African Safari Holiday
How you do you African safari bookings depends on how you found your perfect safari holiday. It is one way to go via the Internet and find your safari tour operator there or the traditional way via the travel agent close to home. Lets focus on the online safari booking as it is what we do nowadays from our computer and in the future probably from our smart watch.
When you found your African safari, talk to the tour operator how the procedure is and how you can pay. Use also the Internet to google a bit about the operator to see what else is on the net about them. When you intent to pay with credit card, ask for the transaction fees. They can be quite high depending on the payment facility provider. Rather go for wire transfer as it is safe and has only small transaction fees. Be kind and don’t let the other side pay your bank fees. They will have to pay their own to.
When the financial part is settled check your insurance. Do you have travel insurance and what does it cover? A medical cover is absolutely recommended and so is the cancellation cover. Many people have their travel insurance covered with their credit card. Check what conditions come with it and if you need to make at least a part of the safari payment with the card to have coverage.
Travelling to Africa requires vaccinations and precautions e.g. for malaria. Talk to your general practitioner for advice. Get yourself repellent to be protected when the bugs come out in the evening and make sure you have protection form the sun.
When all that is set and you have your voucher in your hand, it is time to focus on the more important things like what to wear on safari, what photo equipment to bring, what and how to pack and more of these essential questions. Now enjoy the fun of safari travel!
Happy wildlife photo snapping!
Ute Sonnenberg for
Tags: african safari holiday