We probably all know Edvard Munch’s very famous painting “The Scream”. It shows his distinguished style, which makes it easily recognizable as his work. Earlier work shows that he tried different techniques. Some paintings look a lot like Monet or Van Gogh paintings, because he uses “their” style.
But then he goes beyond the styles of “others” and arrives at his own style of painting. The little dots that form the paintings of Monet become long dynamic lines in Munch’s paintings.
But what got that to do with your photography, with photographic safaris to South Africa, wildlife photography courses in Kenya and team building photographic safaris in Namibia? It tells something essential you always should keep in mind with any of the mentioned activities, find your own style, and have your own signature in photography.
When a safari vehicle with 6 people on it stands at a lion sighting with a lion lying in the grass not doing anything. One could be tempted to think that all photographs of all guests would be the same. If all guests on the vehicle have in mind the same image of a lion they saw in a magazine and photograph to match that image, their photos would pretty much look all the same. But if each of them looks at the lion in his/her own way, each photo will be different and one could easily say who photographed which image.
Find your own signature and you will find your place in photography.