Discovered Treasure: Never Seen Before Images of the Rolling Stones
17/10/12 19:39 Filed in:
Photography & Art
When did you last go through old boxes on the attic or through the drawers in your study? We probably all have lots of beautiful things buried under all sorts of “rubbish” and we just don’t see them anymore by looking only at the surface of our homes.
A guy at a flea market in California had an amazing photographic treasure at his stand, not realizing its value and he sold it to a lady who also needed some time to find out what she bought, it were never seen before photographs of the Rolling Stones in their early years in the 60ies.
Here the story told in an interview with Cool Hunting and the lucky finder/buyer Lauren White:
“I feel lucky. I really didn’t expect to find them at a flea market. Basically, a guy who runs one of the stands called me over because I “looked like I would like rock ‘n’ roll”– and he was right. I don’t know what was lost in translation, however. He obviously didn’t know what he had. To tell the truth, I didn’t either. I obviously knew it was the Stones, but it took about a week of looking them over to realize that this was really a very unique circumstance. After extensive research, I came to find that these are unpublished, never-before-seen photos of one of the most legendary bands in rock ‘n’ roll history. Not only that, they are beautifully composed, candid, raw and perfect in every way. They really convey a band innocent to their destiny.”
The images of the Rolling Stones are on show this month at the Dilettante gallery in Los Angeles. You can see the images also on Found: Rolling Stones.
Maybe it’s time to start our own discovery tour through our boxes and drawers. Who knows what comes out of it.
Happy discovering!
Ute Sonnenberg for
Tags: rolling stones, cool hunting, lauren white, dilettante gallery los angeles