Sharing Best Practice

wildlife photography course best practice

In the times without social networks and blogs, one had knowledge about something, another one was looking for that knowledge, but the two couldn’t find each other. Since the rise of the social media the world has become a world of sharing. We are not only sharing our holiday photos and thoughts, we are also sharing knowledge. The Internet and the social media provide free access (at least in most of the countries) to knowledge, facts, information and feedback on subjects one is interested in. We are connecting with people around the world to exchange knowledge and while doing that we inspire and help people in work and education.
Here some shares.

Find out which of your eyes is dominant:
One tip that instructors often pass onto the beginning photographers is to use their dominant eye (i.e. the eye they prefer seeing with) to look through the viewfinder. If you want to find out which of your eyes is the dominant one, here’s a quick test you can do: extend your arms straight out and form a small triangle with your hands. Looking through the triangle with both eyes open, frame something nearby (e.g. a doorknob) and place it in the center of the triangle. Then close your eyes one at a time without moving the triangle — your dominant eye is the one that placed the object in the center. (via reddit and petapixel)

A safe place to show and sell your images:
All of us who do photography want to show our images and hope that we can sell them to a magazine or as an art print. But how do we do that without the risk of the digital full size image being taken without payment? There is a place called that gives professional photographers the opportunity to show and sell their images in a safe way. Another interesting place is that gives photographers the opportunity to sell their images as high quality ready to hang art prints, posters and postcards. Check it out. It might be something for you.

How do you choose your object?
When you think back how you composed images and how you choose the object you might come to the conclusion that you were looking for the light to be right on the bride or the sun setting behind a tree or light and shade playing with the color of a flower. It’s always an object with the right light we are looking for. So relax and just follow the light. It will point out the object for you.

How to train the eye?
There are lots of books and instructions about the right composition and the rule of thirds. They give a mind-dominated approach to something that needs an intuitional approach. Our inner eye that sees for us the composition is intuition driven. So train it intuitionally by looking at paintings from old masters. They are called old master, because they were masters in working with light and composition. By looking at their work we are training our eye in a way that we start seeing paintings everywhere and no thought about a rule is needed anymore. Our inner eye is strong and well trained.

Sharing makes us all richer in our artwork and no worry, that doesn’t mean that all the photos will be the same. We will develop even a stronger individual signature in photography what distinguishes our work from the work of others.
Happy sharing!

Ute Sonnenberg.