Nikon's Awesome New Photo Gear
The wildlife photographers who use Nikon camera gear are most likely the ones who had been waiting for years that Nikon comes with a new 80-400 mm f/4.5-5.6 telephoto lens. This lens is very practical on photographic safaris and continuously used during wildlife photography courses all over Africa. It gives the wildlife photographer lots of freedom and flexibility. Ad now the waiting is over! Nikon launched the new lens with absolutely great specs:
That’s what we were waiting for. Now “only” the money to be able to buy one. The lens is available at B&H for USD 2,696.95.
Another great new thing to come is the D7100, a very good camera for a reasonable price. Have a look at the specs:
The D7100 is available at B&H for USD 1,196.95. Expected arrival of the camera in the shop is the 14th of March, pre-orders are taken.
So, now only sun, free time to go on photographic adventures and the fun can begin.
Happy snapping! Have fun!
Ute Sonnenberg for
Tags: nikon, nikon 80-400 mm lens, photo equipment