Revolutionize your Photography - Create your Mantra

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What do you think about your photography? What is the spirit of your photography? Are you happy with your photography?

Mantras, from the Sanskrit, a word or group of words, capable of creating transformation, are used by individuals for every day questions, by corporates for transformations towards success and of course can be also used to revolutionize your photography.

Ask yourself what you want your photography to be and identify what you need to achieve that. If you want to be a great
wildlife photographer, identify what you need to become one and what in your eyes is great wildlife photography. Don’t try to be someone else. Be you and work with your strengths.

So for example your mantra could be: Photograph on the
safari destinations with the best golden light, always go for the best game drive quality and have at all times an open mind for what the bush has to offer you.

If you are overwhelmed by the variety of prospects for your photography, your mantra could be: I stay focused on what my strength is and on what I love to photograph the most.

Only by staying focused on what you really want and on what you are good at, your photography can show incredible changes and transformations.

The same applies when mantras are used for teams or in
team incentives. Maybe you are working in a company with mission and vision mantras (also called statements) for each team and department. You can use this experience to create mantras for your photography and transform it into what you wish it to be.

Inspired? Create your own mantra and watch what happens.

Happy snapping!

Ute Sonnenberg for