Photo Safari Destination Week: Phinda, South Africa


Next destination on the photographic safari places “must see list” is Phinda in South Africa.

Phinda consists of at least 5 different habitats and is located just behind the sand dunes of the Indian Ocean in the southeast of South Africa. Specialties are:

The very rare sand forest, a forest where fairies seem to live with elephants and big cats.
Great diversity of animals
The Big 5, with especially great cheetah sightings
The possibility to watch turtles laying their eggs
Great birding with the possibility of boat cruises on the river
Different landscapes
And great lodges (see image above)
team building activities
Black rhino tracking
Wildlife photography courses

Phinda was in the past a pineapple plantation and was brought back to be bush more than 20 years ago. The name Phinda means “the return” and the game reserve made indeed a great return to the wild African bush.

It is not the common safari destination, but very worth visiting.

Happy snapping travel!

Ute Sonnenberg for